
Our free tutorials covering the application process, common interview topics and tips, and selected external resources to help with your application.

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GAS Tutorials

Application Hints and Tips

The Application Process in Depth

This tutorial takes you through the CT1 Anaesthetics/ACCS Anaesthetics application process from start to finish, breaking down what you need to do at each stage with helpful tips along the way.

Portfolio Points: High Yield, Last Minute, Low Cost

Nothing in your portfolio? Worried about applying? This tutorial describes some quick last-minute portfolio points that can be achieved before the CT1 interview dates.

What if it all goes wrong?

For most applicants it is their worst nightmare - faced with a question you weren’t expecting and have no idea how to respond, or even one you had a great answer prepared but suddenly can’t remember it. We hope you never find yourself in this position, but this tutorial provides tips and tricks on how to handle it if you do.

Common Interview Topics

The 2021 Anaesthetics Curriculum

In 2021 the new curriculum for anaesthetic training in the UK was published, and has come up at interviews for both CT1 and ST4 posts. This tutorial covers the background to the new curriculum being introduced and the philosophy behind it, as well as the new structure of the training programme and methods used to deliver it.

State of the Nation: UK Anaesthetic Workforce Report

The State of the Nation report, published by the Royal College of Anaesthetists in February 2022, describes the current anaesthetic workforce crisis in the UK. With a shortage of consultant anaesthetists projected to reach 11,000 by 2040, inadequate training numbers, increasing demand and a retention crisis, it makes for difficult but essential reading.

The Covid Recovery Plan

In February 2022 NHS England published the national plan for tackling the elective surgery backlog following the COVID-19 pandemic. This tutorial summarises the aims and ambitions of the plan, its key areas of delivery, and progress made so far.

External Resources

We have no affiliation with any of the below - they are simply resources we have found to be useful and/or interesting.

Application Guides

The BMJ Complete Guide to Becoming an Anaesthesia Doctor

A fairly comprehensive introduction, although slightly out of date - with the introduction of the 2021 curriculum, core training is now three years, and ACCS is four years.

Mind the Bleep - Applying to Anaesthetics

A brief but informative summary of the application process, with useful tips and links to further resources.

Official Websites

Anaesthetics National Recruitment Office (ANRO)

The website of the national body responsible for recruitment into anaesthesia in the UK. Important dates and deadlines, applicant guidance, scoring matrices and other official information are all posted here.

The Royal College of Anaesthetists

Responsible for setting the standards for anaesthetic training in the UK. There is a wealth of useful information on their website, including information on recruitment into anaesthesia, the training programme and the 2021 curriculum.

Association of Anaesthetists

Also known as the AAGBI (Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), they publish a range of guidelines and organise conferences and events. Membership carries benefits including free patient transfer insurance.

Knowledge and Revision

E-Learning for Healthcare

Covers a wide range of topics. The anaesthetics e-learning is closely matched to the FRCA syllabus and includes a selection of past paper questions.

The Bottom Line

Provides accessible but comprehensive summaries of the latest research papers in critical care. A fantastic resource to keep abreast of the latest literature.

Deranged Physiology

An excellent free resource including intuitive explanations of basic science concepts. It is aimed at Australian intensive care trainees sitting the CICM exam, but much of the content is equally applicable to the UK anaesthetics curriculum.


Anaesthesia on Air

The official podcast of the Royal College of Anaesthetists.

Coffee and a Gas

A wellbeing podcast from the Association of Anaesthetists’ Trainee Committee. Covers topics from fatigue and sleep to mentoring, digital detox, and mental health.


A podcast about the history of anaesthesia, the gases we use to put people to sleep, and how the safety of patients became central to a modern specialty.

obsgynaecritcare (Australia)

Interviews, tutorials and discussion (plus Dad jokes) on all things relating to critical care, anaesthesia and pain medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Includes a series on ‘Obstetric Anaesthesia Basics’ - useful for obstetric novices!

Depth of Anesthesia (USA)

A podcast that critically explores dogmatic practices in anesthesiology.

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