Course Programme

See our full timetable for the course below. All lectures and mock interviews are delivered online via Zoom.

Lectures are on Tuesdays at 7pm; if you miss the live lecture, recordings will be available in our private members’ area until the end of March 2024.

Your Portfolio: Why it Matters and How to Prepare It

Dr Kate Millar & Dr Sanya Patel

19 December 2023

The portfolio scoring points have been removed from the CT1 application. However, the interviewers will still expect you to discuss your acheivements in the interview.

We explain what they will be looking for, how to prepare your portfolio before the interview, and how to structure answers to common interview questions to highlight your best portfolio points.

We will also discuss examples of high yield portfolio points that can be achieved between now and the interview, even if yours is not currently strong.

For a sneak peek at some of the topics covered, see our free Portfolio Points: High Yield, Last Minute, Low Cost tutorial.


Dr Jessica Billings

2 January 2024

All CT1 Anaesthetics and ACCS Anaesthetics applications are now assessed via the MSRA exam in January - if you do not score highly enough, you will not be invited to interview.

Our lecture, delivered by a recent high scoring candidate, will explain in detail the structure of the exam and how to approach questions in both the Professional Dilemmas (SJT) and Clinical Problem Solving papers. We will go through example questions from both papers in detail and explain the scoring system. We also provide tips, tricks and recommended resources for your revision.

“This & the clinical interview were absolutely excellent & really insightful with great suggestions for what might come up.”

2023 Candidate on the General Interview lecture

“Personal anecdotes and examples of answers really useful. Excellent speaker with helpful slides”

2023 Candidate on the General Interview lecture

The General Interview

Dr Brendan McCaffrey & Dr Eimear McKavanagh

23 January 2024

For many applicants the General Interview may be the first interview you have had since medical school.

Our lecture covers the format and scoring of the general interview and provides a number of ways to structure your answers. We go through common questions and how to approach them to maximise your score.

The Clinical Interview

Dr Charlie Fry

30 January 2024

The Clinical Interview is feared by many candidates - being presented with an unfamiliar topic in a high-stakes situation can be extremely stressful.

Our lecture will cover common scenarios that have come up in recent years, and will teach you how to structure your answers even if you’re not familiar with the question topic. We will discuss the scoring matrix and give some “top tips” for on the day.

Hot Topics & Handling Them

Dr Dominic Allen

6 Feb 2024

How much do you know about sustainable anaesthesia? The 2022 Health and Care Act? The FRCA Internal Examiners’ Report and proposed changes to the exam? What about Anaesthesia Associates?

This lecture, newly added for 2023/24, will discuss recent developments in the field of anaesthesia which are “fair game” for your interview. We aim to prepare you so that if these topics come up, you will be able to give a slick and polished answer that will set you apart from other candidates.

For a sneak peek at some of the topics covered, see our free tutorials on ‘Common Interview Topics.’ For the latest ‘hot topics’ in anaesthesia keep an eye on our News and Updates page!

“Again, really useful & excellent suggestions for scenarios. Good length of lecture.”

2023 Candidate on the Clinical Interview lecture

“Best session. His delivery was faultless. Content bang on too”

2023 Candidate on the Clinical Interview lecture

Mock Interviews

7th - 23rd February 2024

We offer mock interviews delivered by current trainees who scored highly in their interviews at both CT1 and ST4 level. Delivered online, we follow the same format as the real thing with a general and clinical interview, and provide full written feedback on your performance.

See our free resources

Our free tutorials for candidates, and links to further useful resources from the web.

Book your place

Places are limited - book yours now.